Johann Bachoven von Echt (1515–1576) and his work on scurvy : an omen of Vesalius´ death? / Maurits Biesbrouck, Theodoor Goddeeris, Omer Steeno.

A discussion is given of the figure of Johann Bachoven von Echt and his family, and on his work on scurvy. The disease is evaluated as a possible cause of the death of Andreas Vesalius. Echt’s relationship with Jan Wier and his connections with Vesalius and Metellus are illustrated. A historical overview of the literature on scurvy is provided highlighting the importance of the work of Echtius and Ronsse for the early knowledge of that disease. A report by Metellus on the circumstances of Vesalius’ death is added.; U radu se raspravlja o Johannu Bachovenu von Echtu i njegovoj obitelji te o njegovu radu na bolesti skorbuta. Smatra se da je ta bolest bila mogući uzrok smrti Andreasa Vesaliusa. Prikazuje se odnos Echta s Jan Wierom i njegove veze s Vesaliusom i Metellusom. Dan je povijesni pregled literature o bolesti skorbuta, u kojoj se ističe važnost radova Echtiusa i Ronssea za početke razumijevanja te bolesti. Dodano je i Metellusovo izvješće o okolnostima Vesaliusove smrti.