Medicina u hrvatskoj leksikografiji i enciklopedici = Medicine in Croatian lexicography and encyclopaedistics / Jasmina Tolj, Nataša Jermen, Zdenko Jecić.

Dok je uloga medicine, posebice humane medicine, u životu čovjeka neupitna, autori žele ispitati koje je značenje medicini posvećeno u hrvatskoj leksikografiji i enciklopedici. Prikazan je razvoj medicinske leksikografije i enciklopedike u Hrvatskoj od začetaka u 16. stoljeću do danas, s posebnim naglaskom na djelatnost Leksikografskoga zavoda Miroslav Krleža (LZMK), kao jedine hrvatske institucije koja se sustavno bavi leksikografijom i enciklopedikom već sedamdesetak godina. Položaj i važnost medicine utvrdili su se kronološkim prikazom zastupljenosti medicinskih naziva i tema u djelima hrvatske leksikografije i enciklopedike od 16. do 19. stoljeća, sistematiziranjem i analizom medicinskih izdanja iz 20. stoljeća, posebice onih LZMK-a, te pregledom zastupljenosti medicine u ostalim izdanjima LZMK-a, s naglaskom na Hrvatsku enciklopediju. Pokazalo se da je medicina u značajnoj mjeri bila zastupljena u hrvatskim leksikografskim i enciklopedijskim djelima koja su imala važnu ulogu u usustavljivanju hrvatske medicinske terminologije i spoznaja iz područja medicine. Autori zaključuju da su leksikografija i enciklopedika u Hrvatskoj zadovoljavajuće pratile zanimanje stručne, ali i šire zajednice za medicinu, odnosno medicinske teme.; Due to the undeniable importance of medicine in human life, the authors explore the level of attentiveness given to medical topics since the beginnings of Croatian lexicography and encyclopaedistics in the 16th century until today. Specific emphasis is put on the activities of the Miroslav Krleža Institute of Lexicography, as the only Croatian institution which has been systematically involved in the field of lexicography for almost 70 years. The representation and importance of medicine have been established in three ways. Firstly, by chronologically presenting medical terms and topics in the works of Croatian lexicography and encyclopaedistics from the 16th to the 19th century. Subsequently, by systemizing and analysing medical publications published in the 20th century, especially the ones created by the Institute. Lastly, by reviewing the presence of medical terms and topics in other Institute’s publications, especially in the Croatian Encyclopaedia. The study shows that medicine has been well represented in Croatian lexicographic and encyclopaedic works, which have played a significant role in establishing Croatian medical terminology and adding to systematization of knowledge in the field of medicine. The authors conclude that lexicography and encyclopaedistics in Croatia have paid adequate attention to medical topics, as well as mirrored the interest of professional and broader community towards medicine.