Bratovština kovača u Zadru i njezina matrikula iz 15. stoljeća / Zdenko Dundović.
Bratovština kovača u Zadru i njezina matrikula iz 15. stoljeća / Zdenko Dundović.

Matrikula Bratovštine kovača u Zadru pohranjena je u Znanstvenoj knjižnici u Zadru. Na temelju teksta matrikule razmotrit će se osnovne regule Bratovštine kovača u Zadru, prikazati njezino djelovanje i imena članova koji su spomenuti u matrikuli Bratovštine. Istražena dokumentacija usporedit će se s dosad objavljenom literaturom o Bratovštini kovača i nadopunit će se nedovršeni prikaz matrikule Vitaliana Brunellija iz 19. stoljeća. Cilj je rada ukazati na činjenicu da je Bratovština kovača u Zadru ustanovljena prije 1490. godine, kako je to pogrešno ustvrdio Brunelli, te otvoriti raspravu o njezinoj mogućoj poveznici s bratovštinom zadarskih zlatara.; The register of Zadar’s Fraternity of Blacksmiths is preserved at the Scientific Library in Zadar. Based on the text of the register, the author has examined the basic regulations of the Fraternity of Blacksmiths in order to reconstruct its activities and the names of its members. The investigated documentation has been compared with the previously published scholarly literature on the Fraternity of Blacksmiths and the incomplete 19th-century presentation of the register by Vitaliano Brunelli has been complemented. The aim of the paper is to indicate that the Fraternity of Blacksmiths in Zadar was established before 1490, contrary to what Brunelli erroneously stated, and to raise questions about its possible links to the Fraternity of Goldsmiths in Zadar.