Na području Podravine i Prigorja od 1874. godine, kada su osnovane Đurđevačka i Križevačka imovna općina, postoji organizirano šumarstvo i gospodarenje najvećim nacionalnim blagom. Dakle, šumama ovoga područja sustavno se brine punih 145 godina. U radu je predstavljen povijesni prikaz zakonskih propisa vezanih za šumarstvo promatranog područja te osnivanje i djelovanje Đurđevačke imovne općine, te šumskih uprava odnosno šumarija.; Since 1874, when the property districts of Đurđevac and Križevci were established, the areas of Podravina and Prigorje were marked by organized forestry and management of the most valuable national asset. It can be stated that the forests of this area have been systematically taken care of for 145 years. The paper presents a historical outline of law regulations related to forestry of the researched area, along with foundation and activity of the property district of Đurđevac aswell as forestry districts or regional forestry offices.