
Glavni je cilj ovog članka ponuditi cjelovit prikaz Balićeva neoskolastičkog pristupa. Istraživanjem raznih iskaza, uglavnom međusobno izoliranih i rasutih po Balićevim radovima prema sredini XX. st., identificirane su sljedeće tri temeljne značajke Balićeva pristupa: prvo, historijsko-kritička metoda (izrijekom preferirana u odnosu na spekulativni pristup), drugo, privrženost rimokatoličkim dogmama kao jednoj od normi prema kojima vrednujemo filozofske sisteme i, treće, postojano zagovaranje načela intelektualne slobode i otvorenosti prema raznim skolastičkim sistemima kao i prema modernoj znanosti i filozofiji (u okviru dogme).; The main aim of this paper is to provide an integrated exposition of Balić's neo-scholastic approach. Various statements pertinent to the approach, mostly isolated from one another and scattered through Balić's works towards the very middle of the 20th century, were studied to serve as a basis for the exposition. As a result, three main features of Balić's approach were identified: firstly, the historical-critical method (explicitly preferred to the speculative approach); secondly, a sturdy adherence to Roman Catholic dogma as a norm for evaluating philosophical systems; and, thirdly, the insistent endorsement of the principle of intellectual freedom and openness to various scholastic systems as well as to modern philosophy and science (restricted only by dogma). In addition, this paper introduces some new arguments for the influence of Louvainneo-scholasticism on the formation of Balić's approach.