Analiza utjecaja pet Porterovih sila na konkurentnost hrvatskih izvoznih poduzeća / Kristijan Marić.
Analiza utjecaja pet Porterovih sila na konkurentnost hrvatskih izvoznih poduzeća / Kristijan Marić.

U ovom radu problematizira se konkurentnost hrvatskoga gospodarstva. U teorijskim poglavljima rada, na temelju sekundarnih izvora podataka prikupljenih „desk“ metodom (istraživanje za stolom), prikazana je konkurentnost hrvatskoga gospodarstva i koncept pet konkurentskih sila prema Porteru. U tu svrhu korištena je znanstvena i stručna literatura te Internetski izvori. Uz sekundarne, u radu su prikazani i primarni rezultati istraživanja, koji predstavljaju odgovore ispitanika prikupljene metodom internetske ankete. Ispitanike su predstavljali zaposlenici hrvatskih izvoznih poduzeća, a njihovi odgovori obrađeni su metodom deskriptivne statističke analize. S tim u vezi, cilj istraživanja u ovom radu predstavlja rangiranje utjecaja Porterovih pet sila na konkurentnost hrvatskih izvoznih poduzeća, što je provedeno statističkom analizom varijanci. Predmetno istraživanje tj. sekundarni i primarni podatci prikazani u ovom radu preuzeti su iz doktorske disertacije autora ovog rada.; This paper discusses the competitiveness of the Croatian economy. In the theoretical chapters of the paper, secondary data sources are based on and collected by the desk research method. These chapters present the competitiveness of the Croatian economy and the concept of five competing forces according to Porte. For this purpose, scientific and professional literature and Internet sources were used. In addition to the secondary ones, the paper also presents the primary results of the research, which represent the answers of the respondents collected by the method of an online survey. Respondents were represented by employees of Croatian export companies, and their answers were processed by the method of descriptive statistical analysis. In this regard, the aim of the research in this paper is to rank the impact of Porter’s five forces on the competitiveness of Croatian export companies, which was conducted by statistical analysis of variance. The subject of this research, with secondary and primary data presented in this paper, is taken from the doctoral dissertation of the author of this paper.