40th Anniversary of the Croatian Catholic Mission = 40. obljetnica Hrvatske katoličke misije / [engleski prijevod, english translation Branka van der Linden].
A diary from the Croatian diaspora : the suffering of the Croatian people in the 20th century as seen through the prism of one Croatian family / [text, translator] Vanda Boras Podravac.
History of the Croatian Fraternal Union of America : 1894. - 1994. / Ivan Čizmić ; [translation Igor Gostl, Neda Karlović-Blažeković, Stanka Kranjčević]
Klanjateljice Krvi Kristove : 50 godina života i djelovanja u Australiji : 1963-2013 = Sisters Adorers of the Blood of Christ : 50 years of life and ministry in Australia / tekst pripremile, text prepared by s. Slavica Turčić, s. Anđela Jurinić ; prijevod na engleski, english translation Jadranka Fuček.
Adelaide : Klanjateljice Krvi Kristove = Adorers of the Blood of Christ, 2013. (Adelaide : Fivestar Printing)
Marija Kraljica Hrvata : Hrvatski katolički centar, Wollongong : priča o hrvatskim ljudima, jednoj crkvi i čuvanju baštine = Mary Queen of Croatians : Croatian Catholic centre, Wollongong : a story about the Croatian people, one church and the protection of heritage / Ivo Tadić ; [engleski prijevod, translation to english Valerija Skender]
Monografija : 25. obljetnica posvete crkve i ustanovljenja Hrvatskog katoličkog centra "Sv. Nikole Tavelića" : (1985.-2010.) u St. Johns Parku u Australiji = Monograph : 25th anniversary of the consecration of the Croatian catholic centre "St. Nikola Tavelić" : (1985 - 2010) in St Johns Park, Australia / [prijevod na engleski Elizabeta Gal Jurić ; fotograf Denis Ivaneža].
St. Johns Park : Hrvatski katolički centar sv. Nikola Tavelić, 2010. ([s. l. : s. n.])