Bužimske podzemne utvrde /Vlado Božić.

Bužim je općina udaljena petnaestak kilometara sjeverozapadno od Gospića, čije sepodručje u literaturi spominje od 11. stoljeća. U njezinom središtu sada se nalazi gradina(ostatak utvrde) za koju nema točnih podataka kada je sagrađena, ali je poznato da sunjome vladali poznati lički velikaši do dolaska Osmanlija u Liku u 16. stoljeću. Kaoi drugdje u Hrvatskoj, narod se od osvajača nastojao spasiti skrivanjem u planinama išpiljama koje je radi obrane dorađivao u prave podzemne utvrde. Na području Bužimaspeleolozi su istražili špilju Vrbas, Špilju ispod gradine i špilju Kalvariju. Nažalost, špiljejoš nisu istražili povjesničari i arheolozi pa o njima zasad postoje samo podaci do kojih su došli speleolozi u svojim speleološkim istraživanjima. Posebna zanimljivost tih špilja su građevinski zahvati u njima, odnosno gradnja zidova koji su nepoželjnim ljudima sprječavali prodor u dublji dio špilje.; Bužim is a municipality 15 kilometres northwest of Gospić, whose territory is mentioned in literature from the 11th century. In its centre there are now the remains of a fort about which there is no accurate data of when it was built, but it is known that it was ruled by renowned aristocrats of Lika until the arrival of the Ottomans in Lika in the 16th century. Likewise as elsewhere in Croatia people who tried to save themselves from the invaders by hiding in mountains and caves who for the sake of defence built underground fortifications. In the Bužim region speleologists have explored the Vrbas cave, the Špilja cave under the fort and the Kalvarija cave. Unfortunately, historians and archaeologists have not researched the caves and so, for now, all exists is the data from the speleologists gathered in their speleological exploration. A particular feature of these caves is the construction work inside them, in other words, the construction of the walls which prevented unwanted people from breaching into thedeeper part of the cave.