Akademik Milan Moguš, Senjanin : (25. 4. 1927. – 19. 11. 2017.) / Mirko Raguž.

Među tridesetak senjskih sveučilišnih profesora i znanstvenika ime akademika Milana Moguša zauzima istaknuto mjesto. Njegov životni hod od trnja do zvijezda, ilikranjčevićevski, od gnijezda do zvijezda bio je stalno u usponu. U vrijeme radnoga vijekazauzimao je značajne funkcije u mnogim kulturnim i znanstvenim institucijama diljemHrvatske, ali i šire, i to ga je stalno držalo u nemogućnosti da se češće navraća u njemurodni i dragi Senj. Boravio je uvijek u njemu kad god mu se pružila prilika i kad god sumu njegovi Senjani izrazili želju da ih posjeti. Bio je čest gost Gradskog muzeja u Senju,Senjske gimnazije, ali i Osnovne škole S. S. Kranjčevića u kojoj je u dječačkim danimaučio prva slova i čitao prve školske knjige. Ta njegova povezanost sa senjskim kulturnim institucijama nizom godina manje je poznata širokoj kulturnoj i znanstvenoj javnosti pa ćestoga biti tema ovoga članka.; Amongst the thirty university professors and scientists from Senj the name of the academic Milan Moguš holds a prominent place. His path through life "from the thorns to the stars", or Kranjčević’s "from the nest to the stars" was constantly on the up. During his working life he had significant functions in many cultural and scientific institutions throughout Croatia, as well as further afield, and this meant that he was not often able to return to his dear birthplace of Senj. He stayed here whenever he had the chance and whenever his people from Senj expressed a wish that he visit them. He was a frequent guest of the Senj Town Museum, the Senj grammar school, as well as the S. S. Kranjčević Elementary School where in his boyhood days he studied his first letters and read his first schoolbooks. This connection with Senj’s cultural institutions over a number of years is less well known to the wider cultural and scientific public, therefore, it will be the theme of this article.