Tapping on the chest of history : lost and found memories of Leopold Auenbrugger, inventor of percussion, in Austria and beyond / Luca Borghi.

Leopold Auenbrugger (1722-1809), the inventor of percussion, joins Rene Laennec as the father of modern physical examination. On the occasion of the bicentennial of the invention of the stethoscope (1816), I went in search of the material footprints left by Auenbrugger in his homeland, Austria. This attempt led me to construct a rather fragmented picture, with some disillusionment (e.g. about his tomb) and some pleasant surprise (e.g. a new interpretation of the extant iconography). Apparently, posterity has not been sufficiently mindful of or grateful towards this great innovator of medical science. All the more reason for knowing and protecting what is left of him: buildings, monuments, portraits… Anyway, Leopold Auenbrugger is honored and implicitly remembered today, as he was in the past, every time a doctor practices the percussion on the chest of a patient (i.e. billions of times each year).; Leopold Auenbrugger (1722. – 1809.), izumitelj perkusije, pridružuje se Reneu Laennecu, ocu suvremenoga fizikalnog pregleda. U povodu dvjestote godišnjice izuma stetoskopa (1816.) tražio sam materijalne tragove Auenbruggera u njegovoj domovini Austriji. Taj je pokušaj doveo do stvaranja prilično fragmentirane slike, s ponekim razočaranjem (npr. oko njegova groba) i ponekim ugodnim iznenađenjem (npr. novo tumačenje postojeće ikonografije). Očigledno, potomci nisu bili dovoljno zahvalni ili pažljivi prema ovom velikom inovatoru medicinske znanosti, što nam pruža više razloga za bolje poznavanje i veću zaštitu onoga što je ostalo nakon njega: zgrade, spomenici, portreti... Svakako, Leopold Auenbrugger je poštovan i implicitno se pamti danas, kao i u prošlosti, svaki put kad liječnik prakticira perkusiju na grudnom košu pacijenta (tj. milijardu puta svake godine).