The effect of personality traits on online privacy concern /Bruno Škrinjarić, Jelena Budak, Mateo Žokalj.

his paper examines personality traits as antecedents of online privacy concern. The aim of the research is to analyze if and how personal characteristics of Internet users affect their concern for privacy in online environment. The theoretical framework consisting of the Big Five theory of personality traits has been used to test the variations in online privacy concern. The model includes a range of other variables that might affect online privacy concern, such as sociodemographic factors, cultural values and computer literacy. The empirical analysis is based on survey data collected in 2016 on a large sample of 2,060 Internet users in Croatia. Results of bothOLS and ordered probit estimations show that two personality traits dimensions, namely extraversion and neuroticism, signifi cantly determine the level of online privacy concern. The more extraverted, i.e., more energetic and outgoing Internet user is less concerned about his/her online privacy, whilst the more neurotic one is more concerned. Privacy awareness, computer anxiety and previous negative experience were also observed as antecedents, all positively affecting the level of privacy concern of Internet users. The results of this research fi ll the gap in the underexplored area of personality traits and onlineprivacy concern literature and contribute to developing an extended model of online privacy concern.; Ovaj rad istražuje osobine ličnosti kao odrednice zabrinutosti za privatnost u online okruženju. Cilj istraživanja je analizirati utječu li i na koji način osobine korisnika Interneta na njihovu zabrinutost za privatnost u online okruženju, pri čemu se koristi teorijski okvir pet osobina ličnosti. Model također uključuje niz drugih varijabli koje mogu utjecati na online zabrinutost o privatnosti, kao što su socio-demografski čimbenici, kulturne vrijednosti i računalna pismenost. Empirijska analiza temelji se na podacima prikupljenim u 2016. godini na uzorku od 2060 korisnika Interneta u Hrvatskoj. Rezultati OLS i probit modela pokazuju da dvije dimenzije osobina ličnosti, ekstrovertiranost i neurotičnost, značajno određuju razinu zabrinutosti za privatnost u online okruženju. Više ekstrovertirani korisnik Interneta je manje zabrinut za svoju privatnost na Internetu, dok je neurotičnija osoba više zabrinuta. Svijest o privatnosti, anksioznost u korištenju računala i prethodno (negativno) iskustvo također imaju pozitivan utjecaj na razinu zabrinutosti za privatnost korisnika Interneta.