Cultivation theory and hegemony : a research from Turkey on cultivational role of television / Ömer Özer.
Cultivation theory and hegemony : a research from Turkey on cultivational role of television / Ömer Özer.

Hegemony can be roughly defined as the overall field of practical strategies exerted by a dominant power in gaining the consent of the people under its rule (Eagleton, 1996: 167). The authority exercised on subordinated classes depends on consent, not force. Predominant classes operate hegemony through ideology; and media is one of the fields that hegemony is achieved. Cultivation theory expresses that television has a role on the social reality conceptualization and the world perception of people. For instance, heavy viewers consider that police is essential for this world. This suggests that hegemony is achieved. In this study, research concerning the cultivation role of television on the students of Faculty of Science at Anadolu University, Eskişehir, Turkey was carried out and the cultivation role has come out as a result of the analyses. This result indicates that hegemony is achieved on the related faculty students. In the Conclusion, I will discuss whether television is an old or new technology.; Hegemonija možemo ugrubo definirati kao ukupno polje praktične strategije dominantne snage, u pridobivanju pristanka ljudi pod njegovom vladavinom (Eagleton, 1996: 167). Autoritet nad podređenim klasama ovisi o pristanku, a ne o snazi. Dominantni klase hegemoniju iskazuju kroz ideologije, a mediji su jedno od područja kroz koje se postiže hegemonija. Teorija kultiviranja naglašava da televizija ima ulogu u konceptualizaciji društvene stvarnosti i percepcije svijeta kod ljudi. Na primjer, redovni gledatelji smatraju da je policija bitna za ovaj svijet. To sugerira da se hegemonija ostvaruje. U ovoj studiji,napravljeno je istraživanje o kultivirajućoj ulozi uz sudjelovanje studenata Prirodoslovnog fakulteta na Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Turska.Istraživanje je pokazalo da postoji kultivirajuća uloga televizije. Ovaj rezultat pokazuje da se hegemonija ostvaruje na studentima srodnih fakulteta. U zaključku,raspravlja se o pitanju da li je televizija stara ili nova tehnologija.