Zavisnosložene rečenice u administrativnome stilu Kraljevine Dalmacije u drugoj polovici 19. stoljeća / Tanja Brešan Ančić.
Zavisnosložene rečenice u administrativnome stilu Kraljevine Dalmacije u drugoj polovici 19. stoljeća / Tanja Brešan Ančić.

U radu se razmatra status zavisnosloženih rečenica u administrativnome stilu u drugoj polovici 19. stoljeća u Kraljevini Dalmaciji. Polazište je istraživanju pretpostavka da će struktura zavisnosloženih rečenica biti određena administrativnom funkcijom tekstova te da će položaj surečenica, naročito kada je riječ o inverziji, imati snažnu ulogu u izgradnji administrativnoga stila. U prvome dijelu rada razmatrat će se vrste zavisnosloženih rečenica s obzirom na način i mjesto njihova uvrštavanja, dok je drugi dio rada posvećen redoslijedu surečenica. Učestala anteponiranost zavisne surečenice ukazuje na činjenicu da je upravo poredak surečenica jedan od načina stvaranja administrativnoga stila. Također, zavisna surečenica u inverziji funkcionira kao vezno sredstvo na tekstnoj razini te doprinosi komunikativnomu dinamizmu. Ujedno, potencira svojevrsnu uniformiranost kao specifičnost administrativne komunikacije.; This paper discusses the status of complex sentences in administrative style in the Kingdom of Dalmatia in the late 19th century. The analysis is based on the decisions of the Ministry of Religion and Education which were published in Dalmatian official gazettes. The starting point for this research is the hypothesis that the structure of complex sentences will be determined by the administrative function of the texts and that certain constructions, especially those related to subordinate clauses positioned initially in sentences will play a strong role in the construction of the administrative style. In the first part of the paper the types of subordinate clauses were considered. We have showed that explicit subordination is more frequent that implicit subordination. The initial assumption that the type and structure of subordinate clauses will have a strong influence on the systematization of the administrative style is also confirmed by the high frequency of conditional and clauses of purpose. The second part of the paper analyses the order of the clauses. High frequency of dependant clauses in the antecedent position among attributive clauses and clauses of purpose suggests that the order of clauses is an important characteristic of the administrative style. Our aim is to consider the types of subordinate clauses that build the administrative style of the late 19th century and the role of clause order in the construction of the administrative text.