Primjena cijevnih mezo- i mikroreaktora u organskoj sintezi i fotokemiji - Go With the Flow! / Kristina Pavlović, Ana Ratković, Martin Gojun, Anita Šalić, Bruno Zelić, Irena Škorić.

U organskoj kemiji sve se više pažnje posvećuje sintezi u mikro- i mezo- protočnim sustavima (engl. flow chemistry), koja ima brojne prednosti nad šaržnom sintezom. Glavne prednosti provedbe organske sinteze u takvim protočnim reaktorima su veća učinkovitost, ekološka prihvatljivost i sigurnost. Unatoč tome sinteza u protočnim sustavima ne može se primjenjivati kao univerzalni pristup za sve probleme koji mogu zateći organske sintetske kemičare te prije provedbe odabranih reakcija treba razmotriti isplativost s obzirom na šaržnu sintezu. Sigurnosti i ekološkoj prihvatljivosti sinteza u protočnim reaktorima značajno doprinosi upotreba malog volumena kemikalija i otapala budući da se reakcije provode u mikro- ili mezo- reaktorima napravljenima u pravilu od inertnih materijala. Zbog brojnih prednosti, organske reakcije u protočnim sustavima predmet su kontinuiranog istraživanja, pri čemu se uvjeti provedbe reakcija optimiraju u svrhu povećanja učinkovitosti i sigurnosti procesa te njegova uvećanja.; In organic chemistry, more attention is paid to syntheses in micro- and meso-flow systems, which has a number of advantages over batch synthesis. The main advantages of the implementation of organic synthesis in flow reactors are greater efficiency, ecological acceptability and safety. Despite this, the chemistry of flow systems cannot be used as a universal approach for all problems that can be considered by organic synthetic chemists, and prior to the implementation of selected reactions, it is worth considering the cost-effectiveness of batch synthesis. The safety and environmental eligibility of synthesis in flow reactors significantly contributes to the use of a small volume of chemicals and solvents, since the reactions are carried out in micro- or mezo-reactors made, usually, from inert materials. Due to the numerous advantages of organic reactions in flow systems, they are under continuous research. The reaction conditions are optimised in order to increase the efficiency and safety of processes and their magnification.