"Jack be nimble, Jack be quick---" : a curious existence in Emma Donoghue's Room / Noémi Albert.

Emma Donoghue’s 2010 novel presents a mother and son in confinement, locked in a soundproof garden shed. The text operates with the dichotomy of inside/outside, recognizable in such different manifestations as the son’s perception of the world, confinement and escape, and others. These dualities reflect on the novel’s most prominent issue, which is trauma as experienced by Ma and Jack, respectively. Its investigation comprises the core of the paper, which entails a careful analysis of the peculiar bond between mother and son, breastfeeding a five-year-old in confinement, and the role language plays in the novel. The analysis of these issues will ultimately shed light on existence itself as particularized in the two characters. In the novel, this existence comes to the fore through the focus on the fundamental human values that stand at the core of their personas and their connection.; Soba (2010.) Emme Donoghue roman je o majci i sinu zatočenima u zvučno izoliranom spremištu. Roman se bavi dihotomijom unutar/izvan prisutnoj npr. u sinovoj percepciji svijeta, zatočeništvu i bijegu, i dr. Ove dualnosti sastavni su dio romana – traume koje proživljavaju i Ma i Jack. Cilj je rada iščitavanje traume u narativnom prostoru romana, a obuhvaća detaljnu analizu neobične povezanosti majke i sina, dojenje petogodišnjaka u zatočeništvu te ulogu jezika u romanu. Analiza ovih elemenata pojasnit će ideju življenja utjelovljenu u likovima Ma i Jacka koja počiva na osnovnim ljudskim vrijednostima prisutnima u njihovim osobnostima i njihovoj povezanosti.