From tradition to modernity : Nina’s quest for hybrid identity in Manju Kapur’s The Immigrant / Ali Salami, Farnoosh Pirayesh.

The paper explores the liberating power of Bhabha’s concept of hybridity in Manju Kapur’s novel The Immigrant. By concentrating on Nina’s immigration to Canada, the novel addresses her early affliction due to the cultural clash between the East and West, tradition and modernity, her assimilation problems, as well as her gradual assimilation, her in-betweenness, transformation in her roles and identity, and survival in the host world. She opens a space in-between the home and host culture, mediates between them, and becomes the citizen of two worlds; she thus enters the third space, i.e. she stands in-between two cultures prioritizing neither the home nor the host culture but the middle ground and emerges as a hybrid who occupies the in-between space and develops a double vision. Using Homi Bhabha’s insights, this study seeks to demonstrate that being positioned in the third space, i.e. moving beyond the polarities and challenging the fixedness of identity and experiencing in-betweenness – being neither one nor the other, might pave the way for her liberation. The paper is to show that Nina is neither one nor the other, i.e. neither a traditional nor a modern woman but both, simultaneously transcending and reconciling the tradition and modernity.; Rad proučava oslobađajuću moć Bhabhinog koncepta hibridnosti u romanu Imigrantica Manju Kapur. Prateći imigriranje protagonistice Nine u Kanadu, roman prikazuje njezine početne teškoće zbog kulturalnih razlika između Istoka i Zapada, tradicije i suvremenosti, njezine probleme s asimilacijom kao i njezin život između dvije sredine, promjenu njezine društvene uloge i identiteta te preživljavanje u novom svijetu. Nina ulazi u prostor između vlastite i nove kulture, posreduje između njih i živi u oba svijeta; na taj način, ona postaje dijelom trećeg prostora, tj. nalazi se u sredini ne dajući prednost ni jednoj ni drugoj kulturi, hibridom koji nastanjuje prostor između te razvija dvostruku svijest. Cilj je ovog rada primjenom Homi Bhabhinih teorijskih koncepata pokazati da biti dijelom trećeg prostora, tj. nadići suprotnosti, propitati ukalupljenost identiteta i iskusiti život u sredini – ne pripadati ni jednoj ni drugoj kulturi – može funkcionirati kao oblik Ninina oslobođenja. Nina nije ni tradicionalna ni suvremena žena nego oboje jer istovremeno i nadilazi i pomiruje tradiciju i suvremenost.