Cultural model of marriage and family, as shown in selected Polish TV series : a pastoral challenge for the Catholic Church / Anna Zellma, Wojsław Czupryński.

Provedena analiza u ovome članku imala je za cilj predstaviti okvir braka i obitelji u poljskim televizijskim serijama te ukazati na pastoralne izazove koji proizlaze iz njih. Primijenjena je metoda kvantitativne analize da bi se naglasile problematike koje se prikazuju u televizijskim serijama. Kriteriji za izbor televizijskih serija bili su moralna pitanja koja serije obrađuju te njihova popularnost među različitim društvenim skupinama u Poljskoj. Kvalitativna analiza pokazala je da poljske televizijske serije promoviraju alternativne oblike braka i obitelji. Oni su veoma udaljeni od katoličkoga modela braka i obitelji. To je omogućilo temelje za donošenje zaključka. Uočeno je tako da se Katolička crkva nalazi pred novim pastoralnim izazovima, a što je posljedica utjecaja koje televizijske serije imaju na stavove i vjerovanja među Poljacima. Prioritet bi stoga morala biti priprema mladih za sakrament braka i odgoj za kršćanski život. Katolička crkva bi trebala biti uključena u stvaranje televizijskih serija koje promiču kršćanski model braka i obitelji.; The analyses conducted in this paper aimed at presenting the standard for the marriage and family, which is created in Polish TV series, and subsequently noting the pastoral challenges arising from them. The quantitative analysis method was applied to stress the issues presented in the TV series. The moral issues dealt with in the series and their popularity in various social groups in Poland were the criteria for choosing the TV series. The qualitative analysis has shown that Polish TV series promotes alternative forms of marriage and family life. They are very different from the Catholic model of marriage and family. This provided grounds for the conclusions. It was observed that the Church is obliged to take up new pastoral challenges as a result of the TV series’ impact of Poles’ views and beliefs. Preparing young people to the sacrament of marriage and education for life in the family should be a priority. The Church should become involved in creating TV series which promote the Christian model of the marriage and family.