Prelazak astrologije iz sfere znanosti u domenu pučke literature u tekstovima hrvatskih autora 18. i 19. stoljeća / Marijana Borić.

Astrologija kao tema prisutna je u radovima niza istaknutih hrvatskih autora u razdoblju od srednjovjekovlja pa sve do 19. stoljeća. Javlja se u različitim oblicima, sadržajima i formi, od zapaženih djela prožetih egzaktnim znanostima i filozofijom do zabavnih tekstova u literaturi pisanoj za puk. Rad govori o novovjekovnim transformacijama i pristupu astrologiji, nakon njezina isključivanja iz sfere znanstvenih i filozofskih koncepcija, što se odražava i u djelima hrvatskih autora 18. i 19. stoljeća.; The paper discusses the astrological texts of Croatian authors produced after the 17th century when astrology left the field of science and philosophy and entered into other genres which were meant for a broader readership. Various forms of astrological contributions are described which were found in the calendar and related literature and, in particular, a few astrological manuscripts written in the Croatian language are analyzed. It is demonstrated that the shift made by astrology from the sphere of science into the field of folk literature did not diminish interest in astrological content. This can be concluded from the example of 18th and 19th century texts. The paper analyzes their content, templates, and domains with a view to better understand the Croatian astrological tradition and its place and definition in the corpus of the Croatian literary heritage. The texts described were not intended for a narrow intellectual stratum, but rather for a wider circle of readers and do not contain explanations on how horoscopes or theoretical astrology are needed to carry on astrological practice. Croatian manuscripts portray and interpret astrological predictions in the way they appear in folk tales printed from the 16th century onward in Western Europe. In Croatian calendars, astrological contributions have been on the rise since the end of the 17th century, as for example in Vitezović’s calendars, which were printed as a series of calendars dating from the second half of the 18th century. The same can be seen in the second part of the Mathematical Handbook of Mate Zorčić Arithmetic which includes an astrological circle. They were also printed in the first half of the 19th century in annual calendars and especially in a centuries–old Croatian calendar, which, due to their popularity, were published several times, and their astrological contributions were transmitted by younger editors also.