Applying "dignity" in the light of the concept's typologies / Kateryna Rassudina.

The concept “dignity” is neither clear nor unambiguous. The author presents two ways in which to typologise this concept as proposed by Daniel P. Sulmasy and Adam Rodziński. The problem is that different philosophers attach different meanings (types) to the term. The author tries to analyse these meanings, which have taken shape in the course of the history of Western philosophy, and also to provide a short review on the development of its most common contemporary interpretation which equates dignity with the presence of autonomy.; Termin “dostojanstvo” nije jasan ni nedvosmislen. Autorica prikazuje dvije varijante tipologije toga termina prema prijedlozima Daniela P. Sulmasyja i Adama Rodzińskoga. Problem je u tom što različiti filozofi pridaju različita značenja (tipologije) tomu terminu. Autorica nastoji analizirati definicije koje su oblikovane tijekom povijesti zapadne filozofije, te pružati kratki pregled o razvoju njezine najučestalije moderne interpretacije, koja izjednačava dostojanstvo s postojanjem autonomije.