The recreational potential of urban forests - an application of the assessment method = Rekreativni potencijal urbanih šuma - primjena inovativne metode ocjene / Natalie Levandovska, Jaromir Kolejka, Božena Šera, Hubert Zarnovičan.
The recreational potential of urban forests - an application of the assessment method = Rekreativni potencijal urbanih šuma - primjena inovativne metode ocjene / Natalie Levandovska, Jaromir Kolejka, Božena Šera, Hubert Zarnovičan.

U radu je prikazana metoda procjene rekreacijskog potencijala urbanih šuma u odnosu na funkcionalne sposobnosti šumskih sastojina za rekreaciju kao praktičnog alata za upravljanje urbanim šumama i uređenju krajobraza. Jedan od glavnih zadataka ovog istraživanja bio je primijeniti razumljive pokazatelje običnim korisnicima. Ovaj aspekt je važan, jer omogućava primjenu metode širokom krugu korisnika. Na primjer, upravitelji mogu procijeniti urbanu šumu u smislu njezine pogodnosti za rekreaciju. Test izrađene metodologije (studija slučaja u šumi „Horský park“, Bratislava, Slovačka) pokazuje pogodnost vrednovanja rekreacijskih namjena urbanih šuma. Obilježja svakog pojedinog indikatora određuju načine za povećanje rekreacijske vrijednosti urbanih šuma, a mogu se koristiti i u svrhu njihovog održivog upravljanja.; This paper is devoted to the method of recreational potential assessment of urban forests regarding the functional abilities – a set of indicators measuring of forest stands to recreation as a practical tool for urban forests management, landscape planning and administration authorities. One of the main research tasks presented in this paper was to use indicators which are understandable for ordinary users. This aspect is important, because it enables the method to be utilised for a wide range of participants, administrative collaborators that can assess urban forests in terms of their suitability for recreation. A test of the created methodology (a case study in “Horský park” forest in Bratislava) shows the suitability of evaluation on the recreational purposes of urban forests. The characteristics of each individual indicator designate the ways to enhance the recreational value of urban forests, and they may be used for sustainability of urban forests management.