Some preliminary findings regarding Kosovo legislation in the field of consumer protection with special emphasis in arbitration clauses in consumers contracts / Luljeta Plakolli-Kasumi.

Although the Kosovo Law on Consumer Protection has been harmonized with the EU Directive on Unfair Contract Terms, several inconsistencies are still prevalent in other pieces of legislation, which in turn diminish the effective protection of consumers in line with the aim of the said Directive. The present paper aims at introducing some preliminary findings of the author’s doctoral thesis which can serve as a basis for further improvement of the existing legislation in the field of consumer protection. Full harmonization of the consumer protection legislation with the Unfair Terms Directive entails not only the verbatim transposition of the said Directive into one piece of legislation but an alignment of the entire legislative framework to this end, as well as the development of the court practice in line with the CJEU case-law.; Iako je Kosovski zakon o zaštiti potrošača usklađen s Direktivom EU o nepoštenim uvjetima ugovora, u ostalim su zakonima i dalje prisutne određene nedosljednosti, što zauzvrat umanjuje efikasnu zaštitu potrošača u skladu s ciljem navedene Direktive. Ovaj rad ima za cilj ukazati na neke preliminarne nalaze naše doktorske teze koji mogu poslužiti kao osnova za daljnje poboljšanje postojećeg zakonodavstva u području zaštite potrošača. Potpuno usklađivanje zakonodavstva o zaštiti potrošača s Direktivom o nepoštenim uvjetima podrazumijeva ne samo doslovni prijenos navedene direktive u jedan dio zakona, već usklađivanje cjelokupnog zakonodavnog okvira s tim ciljem, kao i razvoj sudske prakse u skladu s tim sudskom praksom Suda Evropske Unije.