A new record of a great white shark, Carcharodon carcharias (Chondrichthyes: Lamnidae) in the Strait of Sicily, Central Mediterranean Sea / Danilo Scannella, Michele Luca Geraci, Fabio Falsone, Francesco Colloca, Bruno Zava, Fabrizio Serena, Federico Di Maio, Sergio Vitale.

In November 2015 an immature male individual of great white shark, Carcharodon carcharias (Linnaeus 1758), was caught as by-catch by a bottom trawler in the Strait of Sicily, in the Central Mediterranean Sea. The shark, reaching 266 cm in length and weighing 290 Kg, was identified and measured by means of a video provided by fishers. This record is discussed considering the available information on the presence of the great white shark in the area and confirms the importance of the Strait of Sicily for the conservation of this vulnerable species.; U studenom 2015. ulovljen je nezreli mužjak velike bijele psine, Carcharodon carcharias(Linnaeus 1758), koćom u Sicilijskom tjesnacu (srednje Sredozemno more). Morski pas, koji je dosegao 266 cm duljine i težinu od 290 kg, identificiran je i izmjeren pomoću videozapisa koji su osigurali ribari. U ovom se radu raspravlja, s obzirom na dostupne informacije o prisutnosti velike bijele psine a na tom području i potvrđuje važnost Sicilijskog tjesnaca za očuvanje ove ranjive vrste.