Level and pace of the regional development of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the context of integration into the European union / Vanes Tulumović.

The main goal of this paper is to assess the level and pace of regional development of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the one hand, and the Euro-Atlantic path of Bosnia and Herzegovina as a potential candidate for EU membership on the other. In the empirical part of the research, the spatial component encompassed the regionalization of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The research also included an analysis of the process of the integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina into the European Union from the aspect of pre-accession assistance to candidate countries and potential candidates in the function of promoting regional development. The primary research of regional development and assessment of the level of development as well as the scope of structural policies in overcoming the key political, social and economic problems that hinder the development and improvement of the economic integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina towards the European Union are limited to the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The basic scientific methods used in the work and for giving answers to research questions are historical and comparative methods. They consist of methods and indicators of statistical analysis (indices, growth rates, participation rates, coefficients, averages). Specific scientific methods used in the process of this work are: the method of analysis, the synthesis method, the induction method, the descriptor method, the deduction method, the classification method and the comparison method. The empirical results of the research confirm that Bosnia and Herzegovina is faced with the problem of regional development with a pronounced imbalance between the areas within the whole territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This is a confirmation for the need for systemic policy as well as regional development policy at the level of Bosnia and Herzegovina that would be in line with the policies of the European Union.; Glavni cilj ovog rada je ocjena nivoa i tempa regionalnog razvoja Bosne i Hercegovine sa jedne strane, te euroatlanski put BiH kao potencijalni kandidat za članstvo u Uniju sa druge strane. U empirijskom dijelu istraživanja prostorna komponenta obuhvatila je regionalizaciju Bosne i Hercegovine. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo i analizu procesa integriranja Bosne i Hercegovine u Evropsku uniju sa aspekta pretpristupne pomoći zemljama kandidatima i potencijalnim kandidatima u funkciji unapređenja regionalnog razvoja. Primarno istraživanje regionalnog razvoja i ocjene nivoa razvijenosti kao i obuhvat strukturnih politika u pogledu nadilaženja ključnih političkih, društvenih i ekonomskih problema, koji koče razvoj i unapređenje ekonomske integracije BiH prema Evropskoj uniji ograničeni su na teritoriju BiH. Osnovne naučne metode, korištene u radu i davanja odgovora na istraživačka pitanja su historijska i komparativna metoda. Sastoje se od metoda i pokazatelja statističke analize (indeksi, stope rasta, pokazatelji učeća, koeficijenti, prosjeci). Posebne naučne metode korištene u postupku radu su: metoda analize, metoda sinteze, metoda indukcije, metoda deskripcije, metoda dedukcije, metoda klasifikacije, metoda komparacije. Empirijskim rezultatima istraživanja potvrđuje se da je Bosna i Hercegovina suočena sa problemom regionalnog razvoja sa izraženim debalansom među područjima unutar cijele teritorije BiH. To potvrđuje potrebu sistemske politike kao i politike regionalnog razvoja na nivou Bosne i Hercegovine koja bi bila usklađena sa politikama Evropske unije.