Utjecaj godine i lokaliteta na prinos zrna i pojedine osobine brašna ozime pšenice = The influence of year and locality on yield of grain and some characteristics of winter wheat brand / Nenad Đurić, Vuk Grčić, Gorica Cvijanović, Vera Rajičić, Gordana Branković, Dobrivoje Poštić.

Prinos zrna i neke osobine, koje su bitne za kvalitetan prinos zrna pšenice kao i kemijsko-tehnološke osobine brašna i reološku kvalitetu ispitivanu na farinogramu i ekstenziogramu dominantno ovise o agroekološkim uvjetima područja uzgoja i primjenjenim agrotehničkim mjerama. Pokusi su postavljeni na šest lokaliteta i to: Kikinda, Novi Sad, Pančevo, Sremska Mitrovica, Kruševac i Požarevac po blok sistemu sa četiri ponavljanja, a veličina parcele iznosila je 5 m2. Kao materijal istraživanja korišteno je 7 sorti koje se nalaze u širokoj proizvodnji više selekcijskih kuća, u Republici Srbiji u dvije godine proizvodnje. Najveći ukupan prinos zrna pšenice ostvaren je kod sorte NS 40S 8.824 kg ha-1, zatim kod sorte NS Renesansa 8.817 kg ha-1, odnosno kod sorte PKB Imperija 8.343 kg ha-1, dok je najniži prinos zrna pšenice 7.564 kg ha-1 konstatiran kod sorte PKB Talas. Prema farinografskim pokazateljima sorte PKB Talas i NS Pobeda svrstane su u A-2 kvalitetnu grupu (sorte dobre kakvoće brašna i kruha), sorte PKB Imperija, PKB Vizantija, NS Renesansa i Maurizio nalaze se u B-1 kvalitetnoj grupi, dok se sorta NS 40S nalazi u B-2 kvalitetnoj grupi. Prema utvrđenim vrijednostima kvalitete, analizirane sorte pripadaju grupi poboljšivača: PKB Talas, NS Pobeda, NS Renesansa i Maurizio, dok su u tehnološku grupu osnovne svrstane sorte: PKB Imperija, PKB Vizantija i NS 40S.; Grain yield and some properties that are important for the quality yield of wheat grains as well as the chemical and technological properties of the flour and the rheological quality examined in the farinogram and the extensiogram are predominantly dependent on the agroecological conditions of the area of cultivation and the applied agro-technical measures. Experiments were set up on six locations: Kikinda, Novi Sad, Pancevo, Sremska Mitrovica, Krusevac and Pozarevac, on the principle of block system with four repetitions, and the size of the elementary plot was 5 m2. As a material of the research, 7 varieties were found in wide production, several selection houses, in the Republic of Serbia within two production years. The highest total wheat grain yield was achieved with the NS 40S variety, 8.824 kg ha-1, NS Renesansa 8.817 kg ha-1, and PKB Imperia 8.343 kg ha-1, respectively, while the lowest grain yield was 7.564 kg ha- 1 ascertained in the PKB Talas variety. Аccording to farinographic indicators of PKB, varieties Talas iNS Pobeda are classified as A-2 quality group (varieties of good quality of flour and bread, PKB Imperia, PKB Vizantija, NS Renesansa and Mauricio are in the B-1 quality group, while NS 40S located in B-2 high quality group. According to the determined values of quality, the analyzed varieties belong to the improvement: of the PKB Talas, NS Pobeda, NS Renesansa and Mauricio, while in the technological group the varieties of PKB Imperia, PKB Vizantija and NS 40S are cultivars into the technological group.