Druga Labinska republika 1987. godine : povijesno nasljeđe, štrajkaška fonografija i fotografije obustave rada / Andrea Matošević.

Rad tematizira štrajkaško nasljeđe rudara kroz 20. stoljeće na Labinštini u Istri počevši od radničkog nezadovoljstva pod austrougarskom upravom, koje se nastavlja tijekom Labinske republike 1921. kao otpor fašizmu te proteže do druge Labinske republike 1987. godine u kontekstu samoupravnog socijalizma. Upravo će potonji, u skladu s ondašnjom praksom, biti imenovan protestnom obustavom rada, dok će ga štrajkom mahom nazivati prisutni novinari i istraživači. Takvu terminološku razliku prate i različiti mediji koji prenose događaje iz rudarskih postrojenja: radioemisije bilježe žestinu događaja i govore jezikom štrajka dočim crno-bijele fotografije cjelokupnu situaciju ublažuju i govore u prilog obustave rada. U radu se stoga analiziraju različite implikacije dvaju medija uz komparativan pristup štrajkaškim događajima koji su im prethodili kroz 20. stoljeće.; This paper focuses on the heritage of miners strikes throughout the twentieth century in the Labin region in Istria beginning with workers’ dissatisfaction under Austro-Hungarian rule and which continued during the Labin Republic of 1921 as resistance to fascism. It continued during the Labin Republic of 1987 within the context of socialist self-management. The strike of 1987, in accordance with the practice of the time, would be referred to as a walkout in protest, whereas the journalists and researchers present at the time would mostly refer to it as a full-on strike. Various media covering these events unfolding at mining facilities also closely followed this difference in terminology. Radio broadcasts captured the fervour of the event and spoke with the strong language of a strike, while black and white photographs softened the perception of the overall situation and spoke in favour of a walkout. This paper therefore analyzes the different implications of the two medias with a comparative approach to the strike events that preceded them during the twentieth century.