Zadovoljstvo klijenata pruženom uslugom ljekarnika u vrijeme epidemije bolesti COVID-19 / Dora Rašan, Suzana Marković, Jelena Dorčić, Lovro Rašan.

Uvod: Pojavom epidemije bolesti COVID-19 ljekarne su se susrele s dosad nezabilježenom potražnjom za dezinficijensima, antisepticima te zaštitnim maskama. Ljudi su u većoj mjeri počeli odlaziti u ljekarne, koje su se morale od početka epidemije strogo pridržavati mjera sigurnosti. Uloga ljekarnika u navedenim okolnostima postala je još važnija. Cilj i metode: Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti i analizirati stavove klijenata ljekarni o kvaliteti usluge, analizirati njihovo sveukupno zadovoljstvo te ispitati razinu straha od bolesti COVID-19. U tu svrhu na temelju relevantne znanstvene literature kreiran je upitnik koji je distribuiran putem interneta. U mjerenju kvalitete usluge ljekarnika primijenjen je modificirani mjerni instrument SERVQUAL. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 203 klijenata ljekarni. Rezultati: Rezultatima provedenoga empirijskog istraživanja utvrđeno je da ispitanici posjeduju visoka očekivanja o kvaliteti usluga ljekarnika (3,93). Ukupna percepcija ispitanika pružene usluge ljekarnika iznosi 3,54, što ukazuje na činjenicu da je prisutan negativan SERVQUAL jaz između percepcije i očekivanja ispitanika (–0,39). Negativan jaz bio je najveći pri ocjeni varijable „Ljekarnik bi me trebao uputiti što učiniti ako propustim dozu lijeka”(–1,60), a najveći pozitivan jaz pri vrednovanju varijable „Ljekarnik je riješio sve zdravstvene probleme koje sam očekivao” (+0,82). Ispitanici su bili zadovoljni ukupnom pruženom uslugom ljekarnika (4,53) te su prilikom posjeta ljekarni osjećali srednju razinu straha od bolesti COVID-19 (3,03). Zaključak: Istraživanje zadovoljstva klijenata pruženom uslugom ljekarnika od krucijalnog je značaja za poboljšanja i unaprjeđenja postojeće kvalitete usluge ljekarnika. Istraživanje je pokazalo da je SERVQUAL prikladan mjerni instrument za mjerenje razlike u očekivanjima i percepciji klijenata o kvaliteti usluga ljekarnika.; Introduction: With the outbreak of the epidemic COVID-19, pharmacies encountered unprecedented demand for disinfectants, antiseptics and protective masks. More and more people went to pharmacies, which had to strictly adhere to safety measures since the beginning of the epidemic. The role of the pharmacist became even more important under the circumstances mentioned above. Objectives and methods: The aim of this study was to investigate and analyze the attitudes of pharmacy customers towards service quality, to analyze their overall satisfaction and to investigate the level of fear of the COVID-19 virus. For this purpose, a questionnaire was prepared on the basis of the relevant scientific literature and distributed online. A modified SERVQUAL model was used to measure the quality of the pharmacist’sservice. The survey was conducted on a sample of 203 pharmacy customers. Results: The results of the empirical research indicates that the respondents have high expectations of the service quality provided by pharmacists (3.93). The respondents’ overall perception of the service provided by the pharmacist is 3.54, which indicates that there is a negative SERVQUAL gap between the perception and the expectation of the respondents (-0.39). The negative gap was largest in the evaluation of the variable “Pharmacist should tell me what to do if I miss a dose of the drug” (-1.60), and the largest positive gap in the evaluation of the variable “Pharmacist has solved all the health problems I expected” (+0.82). Respondents were satisfied with the overall service provided by the pharmacist (4.53) and felt a medium level of anxiety about the COVID-19 virus when visiting the pharmacy (3.03). Conclusion: The investigation of customer satisfaction with the pharmacy service is decisive for improving and increasing the existing quality of the pharmacy service.