South-east European forestry : SEEFOR : international scientific journal in field of forestry : 10,1(2019) / editor-in-chief Dijana Vuletić.
South-east European forestry : SEEFOR : international scientific journal in field of forestry : 10,1(2019) / editor-in-chief Dijana Vuletić.
Jastrebarsko : ; Banja Luka : ; Sarajevo : ; Novi Sad : ; Belgrade : ; Belgrade : ; Skopje : ; Budapest : Croatian Forest Research Institute ; ; University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Forestry ; ; University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Forestry ; ; Institute of Lowland Forestry and Environment ; ; University of Belgrade, Faculty of Forestry ; ; Institute of Forestry ; ; Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Faculty of Forestry ; ; Hungarian Forest Research Institute, 2019
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