Prikazano 27841-27870 od 27946 zapisa
Accuracy analysis of point velocities determined by different software packages and GNSS measurement processing methods / Margareta Premužić, Almin Đapo, Željko Bačić, Boško Pribičević.
Accuracy analysis of point velocities determined by different software packages and GNSS measurement processing methods / Margareta Premužić, Almin Đapo, Željko Bačić, Boško Pribičević.
Accelerated weathering and decay resistance of heat-treated wood reinforced polypropylene composites = Ubrzano izlaganje polipropilenskih kompozita ojačanih pregrijanim drvom vremenskim utjecajima i otpornost na propadanje / Deniz Aydemir, Mizgin Alsan, Ahmet Can, Ertugrul Altuntas, Huseyin Sivrikaya.
Accelerated weathering and decay resistance of heat-treated wood reinforced polypropylene composites = Ubrzano izlaganje polipropilenskih kompozita ojačanih pregrijanim drvom vremenskim utjecajima i otpornost na propadanje / Deniz Aydemir, Mizgin Alsan, Ahmet Can, Ertugrul Altuntas, Huseyin Sivrikaya.
Accelerated height growth versus mortality of Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl. in Hungary / Krisztina Gulyás, Norbert Móricz, Ervin Rasztovits, Adrienn Horváth, Pál Balázs, Imre Berki.
Accelerated height growth versus mortality of Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl. in Hungary / Krisztina Gulyás, Norbert Móricz, Ervin Rasztovits, Adrienn Horváth, Pál Balázs, Imre Berki.
A case of severe pseudohyperkalaemia due to muscle contraction / Jan Van Elslande, Toon Dominicus, Jaan Toelen, Glynis Frans, Pieter Vermeersch.
A case of severe pseudohyperkalaemia due to muscle contraction / Jan Van Elslande, Toon Dominicus, Jaan Toelen, Glynis Frans, Pieter Vermeersch.
A case of IgE myeloma transformed into IgE-producing plasma cell leukaemia / Nicolas Galakhoff, Cyril Leven, Jean-Richard Eveillard, Adrian Tempescul, Hélène Kerspern, Cécile Aubron, Caroline Buors, Éric Lippert, Jean-Luc Carré, Maël Padelli.
A case of IgE myeloma transformed into IgE-producing plasma cell leukaemia / Nicolas Galakhoff, Cyril Leven, Jean-Richard Eveillard, Adrian Tempescul, Hélène Kerspern, Cécile Aubron, Caroline Buors, Éric Lippert, Jean-Luc Carré, Maël Padelli.
Academia  : in Athen / Poppel [Johann Gabr. Friedrich]
Academia : in Athen / Poppel [Johann Gabr. Friedrich]
A Bródi határőrző regement vidékének táblája = Districtus legionis limitaneae Brodensis  / J. Spiegl sc.
A Bródi határőrző regement vidékének táblája = Districtus legionis limitaneae Brodensis / J. Spiegl sc.
Abris der Victorien vnd bevnd. so die Freyhaidvcken bei Tolna   / [Siebmacher, Johann].
Abris der Victorien vnd bevnd. so die Freyhaidvcken bei Tolna / [Siebmacher, Johann].
Abris der belegervng Petrina in Crabaten /[Siebmacher, Johann].
Abris der belegervng Petrina in Crabaten /[Siebmacher, Johann].
A brief historical overview of bioethical activism in Croatia : as an impetus for the development of an educational model of bioethical activism / Ivica Kelam.
A brief historical overview of bioethical activism in Croatia : as an impetus for the development of an educational model of bioethical activism / Ivica Kelam.
A brief guide to the city of Zagreb 2021 budget execution  / prepared by Institute of Public Finance
A brief guide to the city of Zagreb 2021 budget execution / prepared by Institute of Public Finance
A brief guide to the city of Zagreb 2020 : enacted budget / prepared by Institute of Public Finance.
A brief guide to the city of Zagreb 2020 : enacted budget / prepared by Institute of Public Finance.
A brief guide to the City of Zagreb 2020 budget proposal : enacted budget.
A brief guide to the City of Zagreb 2020 budget proposal : enacted budget.
A brief guide to a proposal for the city of Zagreb 2022 budget revision  / prepared by Institute of Public Finance
A brief guide to a proposal for the city of Zagreb 2022 budget revision / prepared by Institute of Public Finance
Abrasion resistance of thermally and chemically modified timber = Otpornost toplinski i kemijski modificiranog drva na habanje / Christian Brischke, Neele Ziegeler, Susanne Bollmus.
Abrasion resistance of thermally and chemically modified timber = Otpornost toplinski i kemijski modificiranog drva na habanje / Christian Brischke, Neele Ziegeler, Susanne Bollmus.
Abrasion resistance of materials / edited by Marcin Adamiak
Abrasion resistance of materials / edited by Marcin Adamiak
Abnormal heart rhythms / edited by Francisco R. Breijo-Marquez
Abnormal heart rhythms / edited by Francisco R. Breijo-Marquez
A bird's-eye view of veterinary medicine edited by Carlos C. Perez-Marin
A bird's-eye view of veterinary medicine edited by Carlos C. Perez-Marin
Abiotic stress : plant responses and applications in agriculture / edited by Kourosh Vahdati and Charles Leslie
Abiotic stress : plant responses and applications in agriculture / edited by Kourosh Vahdati and Charles Leslie
Abiotic and biotic stress in plants : recent advances and future perspectives / edited by Arun K. Shanker and Chitra Shanker
Abiotic and biotic stress in plants : recent advances and future perspectives / edited by Arun K. Shanker and Chitra Shanker
Abhandlung von den verbesserten Dioptrischen Fernröhren aus den Sammlungen des Instituts zu Bologna  / Roger Joseph Boscovich.
Abhandlung von den verbesserten Dioptrischen Fernröhren aus den Sammlungen des Instituts zu Bologna / Roger Joseph Boscovich.
Abesinija  / Josip Sučević.
Abesinija / Josip Sučević.
Aber, Mosje Chrisostumus   / And. [Andreas] Geiger ; [prema Johannu Christianu Schoelleru].
Aber, Mosje Chrisostumus / And. [Andreas] Geiger ; [prema Johannu Christianu Schoelleru].